Monday, March 28, 2011

That's what she said and let's hear it for the boy

I'm not very good at blogging anymore, for that I apologize. Every once in awhile I feel like I'm just fumbling around in the dark and this is one of those times. And as far as the recipe contest goes...I just have to post the results (and a few more recipes)! But I don't want to do that right now, so I will (again) save that for another day!

Time goes fast, that's for sure. Remember when you were a kid and summers seemed like a lifetime? When it felt like nothing else mattered than what was happening right then, because that was all that your life seemed made of? And then we grow up and realize that childhood isn't a lifetime, it's a blink. It's an odd thing to witness that in my own kids. What seems like an interminable amount of time to them is a mere drop in the bucket to me. I guess it's all about perspective.

So this is how my hilarious little girl and adorable baby boy are speeding through life.

That's what she said.  
 Every day I hear the same question at least a dozen times. And every day I give the same answer; again, at least a dozen times.
"Mom, am I four?"
"No, you're three almost four."
Which seems just as good as being four, I suppose. Because she gives me a knowing sidelong look and says in a singsong voice, "I'm almost four!"
She holds the four on a fermata. In falsetto.

About a year ago, Olivia started getting really upset about Aubrey going to work in the morning. He leaves before she gets up and I think she started to notice and realize something was amiss at the breakfast table. So we sat down and had a long conversation about what it meant to work. I explained that everyone in the family has a job to do and Olivia's job is to play, play, play and help and love her family. After a good question and answer period, she was satisfied and comforted. Also, I think, she felt empowered to have her own job.

But now when I ask her to do anything, she matter-of-factly replies, "I can't. I'm working here with my blocks and colors." I think it's time for a job change.

Several times a week after eating a good breakfast/lunch/supper/snack, Olivia (who is almost always dressed like Tarzan in nothing but panties) stretches and pokes her belly out.
"Look at me, Mama! I have a belly like Papa Kerry! That's so silly!"

One day I came in the family room to see her dancing around with her hand down the back of her panties. 
"Olivia, what in the world are you doing?" I asked her, knowing perfectly well she would have a "logical" explanation.
"I have crumbs in my panties," she said, laughing. "Sometimes I have crumbs in my panties, sometimes I don't."

Overheard in the bathtub, where she is playing with her brother who is whining incessantly.
"I'm cooking," she says as she deftly gathers her toy kitchen utensils and fills bowls with water. "Don't worry, Price. I won't cook you, you're a good boy."
And to emphasize her point, she pats him on the head with a spatula. 

Let's hear it for the boy.
Not to be outdone on the cuteness scale, Price has his own little personality. He has lately become super helpful around the house. Here are all the ways he helps me out.

*He stands on the open door of the dishwasher and hands me dishes from the top rack...whether clean or dirty.
*He gathers up all the dishes from around the house and puts them in the sink. I've also found cars, princesses, shoes and books in the sink.
*He rides the vacuum.
*He hands me his plate, fork/spoon and cup--in that order every time--when he's finished eating.
*He will walk himself to bed.

Price also calls us all "baby." Is there anything more adorable than a baby calling you baby? He runs laps around our main floor (we have an open floor plan) and only takes toys from his sister if she's looking. I guess it isn't any fun otherwise.

What did I do to deserve such great kids?


tracyp said...

Yeah...i guess you're kids are ok.

Emily Ae-hui DeKam said...

your kids sound adorable!

Jenny Sue said...

Holy crap! Pretty much all I got out of this post is...Price is old enough to talk?!?!?! Oh, that and your kids are awesome. "Sometimes I have crumbs in my panties, somtimes I don't," has become my new life motto ever since you posted it to FB.

amanda said...

Stumbling around in the dark describes my feelings exactly. Those are the exact words I have been looking for!

Your kids are very quotable! It's fortunate that mine DO say such clever things; it's all that saves them.

Sara said...

Lacy, Elizabeth and I were up laughing last night reading this post. Olivia just cracks us up!
Words to live by.