Monday, February 7, 2011

Even a mermaid can be saved

Tonight during Family Home Evening, we talked about the Plan of Salvation. Meaning, in a nutshell: you live in heaven, you're born, you live on earth, you die, you live in the spirit world, you're resurrected, you're judged, you live in one of three kingdoms of glory. It's merely your basic Mormon theology. At any rate, I was explaining to Olivia that we want to live in the highest degree, or kingdom, of glory because that's where Heavenly Father and Jesus live. Her face became very animated during this part of the lesson and she grabbed my hand.

"Can I be Ariel in that kingdom and swim underwater?"

"Um, sure. You could probably do whatever you want to do in that kingdom."

"But my nose won't breathe underwater," she said, scrunching it up and pinching it.

"No, not now, but you might be able to use it underwater in your kingdom."

"Yeah! But how 'bout I just swim underwater on earf and not use it."

"Well, you can do that too if you want. Just remember that you want to live in the brightest kingdom with Heavenly Father."

"Yeah, and be Ariel if I want."

Now, I just need her to tack on, "and I know this church is true" and she'd fit right in with the rest of the crazies during testimony meeting. Good times.


tracyp said...

Will Jesus be fly fishing where she's swimming? :) hilarious.

Emily Ae-hui DeKam said...

aw, that's adorable. :)

Jeni said...

Tracy, you read my mind! "And there was Jesus, fly fishing in the lake!" Oh, may her sweet soul rest in peace!

I love the imaginations and creativity of little ones!

Jenny Sue said...

I'm totally with Olivia on this one! If somebody told me I could be just like Ariel in the after-life, well, that would have been a mighty strong argument for keeping me in church. ;)

Sara said...

I just love that Olivia! Thanks Tracy for reminding me of that one...I needed the laugh tonight.
Cheyenne...we'll see you Sunday in Ttown.

Rachel said...

This is too cute.

meninas said...

People come into my blog:

This is too cute ^-^

Cindi said...

l live in Alberta Canada , we to have Tornados, floods,as well as wind storms and l feel very sad when l hear about things like that, and l use to run my Semi down south that way alot. and along the southern interstates..It is very beautiful running that way..
l really enjoyed your blog. take care now.